Hotel Style Lighting for Your Home
We can think of lighting as something that serves a purely functional purpose. Put at its most basic and obvious, it is there to enable us to see in the dark. Ever since Man arrived on this planet, by whatever means we are inspired to believe, he has used light as a visual aid. A naked flame, as well as for cooking and warmth, allowed our distant forbears to see around them outside of daylight hours.
Illumination too is not just a matter of convenience. Much of what we do today would be unthinkable without the safety benefits of lighting. Those who live in towns take it for granted that when they venture out in darkness there will be street lighting to guide them along their way. Anybody who has driven along a country lane in complete darkness will appreciate the advantage enjoyed by the town dwelling motorist. If one tries to imagine the same experience without the benefits of car lights, the sheer impossibility of modern life becomes instantly apparent.
During the Second World War it was considered necessary to order blackouts, the immediate switching off of all domestic and industrial lighting so as to make it more difficult for enemy bombers to accurately identify their targets. The switching off of a light, as well as the switching on, has doubtless saved countless lives.
Lighting that gives character to your room
But beyond the strict functionality of lighting there is a style element that very much helps to define the environment in which it is used. Lasers at musical events, Christmas lights in our streets, all of these play an important role in asserting the character of what it is that is happening around them.
So it is too with household lighting. As well as its obvious purpose in illuminating a room, the design of the lamps and their accessories can create a feel of what the room is about, whether it be a place in which work is undertaken or a lounge for relaxing and watching the television.
Many will be familiar with the wall-mounted style of light often used in hotels. In fact wall lights of this type are becoming fashionable as household appliances and have the advantage of reducing clutter overhead on the ceiling.
Wall lights specially designed for the home come in a great range of styles, colours, shapes, sizes - and prices. There is something out there for every taste, and for everyone's budget.Source URL:
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