Tuesday, October 4, 2011

nancy grace slip

    Changing Unpleasant Dreams

    Do you have the same old unpleasant feelings and situations showing up in your dreams?
    Many aboriginal peoples taught their children that they were responsible for their dreams. The previous night's dreams were routine morning conversation. Kids were taught to interpret and then change the ones that were frightening, unproductive or unhelpful. Most of our dreams reflect our current inner state, and the present issues we're facing, growing through, or overcoming.
    When you go back into a dream, and give it a more positive outcome, you will feel much better and free yourself of the influence of the frustrated, fearful, or unhappy feelings in the dream. You will make a statement that you are taking charge of yourself, and the changes you want in your life.


    Here are 3 simple steps to cleanse yourself, and move into your day balanced and at peace.

    1)Close your eyes and relax. When you feel that far away feeling or pleasant tingling sensations, you're ready to begin.

    2)Begin to experience the dream again, as if it were occurring now. Recall, briefly, the basic scenarios.

    3)Go to the situations and feelings you want to change., and begin to alter the pictures and emotions you choose. Perhaps you want to change the way you responded to someone or something. Say or do it now. Maybe you want a totally different scenario to unfold. Let it. Enjoy making all the changes you want!

    Maybe the situation in the dream reflects an idea of yourself or an old belief that you no longer want. Rearrange it and create a scene that better represents your new self-image or belief.
    Reconstruct it in your mind and heart, and you will begin to change it in your life. Continue to alter the dream until it's just right. Smile and open your eyes.

    With continued practice over time, you can create remarkable changes in your waking life with this technique. You are in charge of your mental states (your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes) , and most of your dreams are mirroring them. When you decide to change a dream; you are really deciding to change your mind, your attitude, and your actions about something or someone. Perhaps you're not willing to accept or perpetuate a particular experience or situation anymore. Change the dream with vigor, and be emphatic about your new direction.

    Here is an example of a dream that I changed.

    I dreamed I was in my previous house with all the old problems of that time period, including feelings of frustration and being unfulfilled. I went back into the dream and transformed the house into a new one. The old walls disappeared, and I imagined a beautiful house with plenty of space and happiness in it. I felt great afterward, and no longer had the feelings I'd awakened with. I went about my day in a totally different mood, and eventually, resolved those problems with determination. Big breakthroughs can result with the simple act of revising a dream, because we are really revising ourselves inwardly , which is a critical step of lasting change.

    An Effective Way to Change a Fearful Dream:

    1)Relax deeply, place yourself back in the dream, and feel the experience again.

    2.At the point of fear, make a different decision. Confront the person or object, and ask them what they want of you. Find out why they have come into your dream.

    3)Take charge of the situation, and let them know what you are and aren't willing to do. Do it. Take action that feels good and right.

    4)You may wish to receive a gift from the. Thank them for it, and be appreciative of the opportunity for insight and growth they have provided you.Source URL: https://top-celebrities-2011.blogspot.com/2011/10/nancy-grace-slip.html
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